Monday, November 30, 2009


I blame it on a lot of sodium and a few of these

Back to tracking calories. UGH!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Also known in some parts as taking one for the team.
Hope your day is filled with family, friends, and blessings.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Keeping It Real

I went to bed hungry. Don't feel bad for me. Remember the muffin, hamburger, french fries, mikes and ikes. I added some peppermint bark, grilled cheese and spinach sandwich, spoonful of mac and cheese, and a spoonful of cornbread dressing, and a fun size pack of m & ms
I was hungry by 8:00pm.

Luckily for me, I made the mistake of stopping at the mall on the way home yesterday to pick something up. I decided to try some clothes on. Nothing like standing in a dressing room in a sweaty state of frustration to give you a dose of reality.

126.6lbs on a 5ft frame is not a good look, no matter how that 126.6 is distributed

Monday, November 23, 2009

Back in the Saddle

Or more likely butt in seat.  Today was my first workout since the Nike Half. One of my fellow runners actually clapped when he saw me approaching the gym.

All in all 45 minutes went pretty quickly.

Since my running shoes are put up for the rest of 2009, I am going to focus on weight management. Which I hope translate to weight loss, but I had a muffin for breakfast, hamburger and fries, and a co-worker bought me a 10lb bag of mikes and ikes so I am not off to a good start.

Wish me luck. The scale read 126.6 this morning. If I am brave enough I'll post my weight every Monday.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Getting Better All The Time

Making progress. Only a small limp left. Can almost put all my body weight on my left leg. Still having hip fatigue/pain from walking too far or too fast.

I have another therapy session tonight. The insurance statements have started to come in. We're going to discuss these crazy bills tonight. I may need to shop around.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Big Pun

Reminising today. Say or think what you will but I think this will be the newest addition to my mp3. Watch Big Pun, how can you not want to groove or at least wave your hands in the air? Ah memories. Go ahead and judge.

Friday, November 13, 2009

You Say It's Your Birthday.

Yah,it's my birthday too.

To celebrate I am going to physical therapy where I will once again continue to discuss that there's got to be a quicker way to get me back into exercise and running.

Later, I will be doing this, minus the fancy dress and tiara, to both celebrate my birthday and drink away my running blues.

Here's to another year of me! In lieu of presents, I request you run a mile for me today!

Monday, November 9, 2009


That's the number of miles I am going to miss my 800 mile goal by this year. After my last physical therapy session I was told I would run again but it wouldn't happen this year.

To be fair, even if I could run I'd still more than likely miss that goal. I plan to set a more realistic goal for next year and take into consideration my shin splint prone shins into the equation.

So for now it looks like it's just me and the exercise bike (which I dislike more than the elliptical) as long as it doesn't cause pain. I am using the term pain loosely, because I find everything about the exercise bike painful. You'd think with the amount of junk I have in the trunk I'd be able to ride for hours comfortably. I guess my backside has reached the point of diminishing returns. Hence the need for some form of exercise until I can run again...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Physical Therapy

If a 15 min ice pack costed me $65 I wonder how much this baby is going to set me back?
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