Monday, January 4, 2010

The Holiday Aftermath

131.4. What an ugly number to someone who has to wear heels to officially make the 5' mark. No point crying about it now. Time to get tough and learn to tell myself pizza. Who am I kidding, I need to say not so much rather than no...

Injury update: 2-4 months before I can run again. Seems like a lifetime away especially since I am noticing a limp after I set for an extended period. Starting to wonder if I will have to consider a future without running....


Sasha said...

I am quite close to that number myself and am going to work my way down about 20 pounds. I way overate over the holidays.

Southbaygirl said...

I am a chubby chick in a running skirt right now-we are all with you!

I am so sorry you have been told no running for 2-4 months! That sucks! what exactly was your diagnosis? now we have to get you up and moving! how about swimming? it's great!! I just started swimming in the fall-I felt my body changing-I need to get back in the pool. So, I think you need to start swimming and also if you can do pilates-you need to do pilates!!