Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The End of The Year

I just finished reading several blogs about the last run of year. Why didn't I think of that? I'll tell you why, because my inner fat lazy girl has taken over. Seriously, who am I kidding? She's really not inner anymore since I've taken to wearing only things with an elastic waist for close to a week. Damn you sister-in-law for those wonderful, comfy pjs! My inability to get dressed and off the couch lays on your shoulders.

As 2008 closes, I didn't go out running and I am pretty sure I didn't start the year running either but 2009 will be a different story. 2009 will start and end with a run. What kind of run is left to be seen. I am most certain that the last run will be strong than the starting run but you gotta start somewhere.

Have a safe and happy New Year's Eve. See you in 2009. Dear Lord, please let the weather be warm and dry tomorrow...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Thank You

I'd like to thank AKA Alice and Southbay Girl for your comments. They motivated me to out of my pjs and get up off the couch. I finally got up and ran (ran/walk) on Monday. Not long, not fast, but I got up off the couch and that's a start. I strapped on my garmin and prepared myself to embrace a crappy run. I think the total was 2.46 miles. Most of 1.46 was walking but that first mile ~ well that was done in 9:42 which included 1 minute of walking. To me, not too crappy. Now there's nothing left to do but keep at it...

Friday, December 26, 2008


7 days and counting - no running, no exercising. Just plain laziness. Must go eat again...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Eating My Words

40 minute run, piece of cake I said. It will be fast and done before I know it. I should know better than to be cocky. Right from the start yesterday, my run was a struggle. My legs hurt and my shins where just taunting me to try and run faster and longer. Somewhere around 20 minutes into the run the inner dialogue went something like this "maybe you should slow down, walk more. No slowing down is for wimps. Boy my shins are starting to hurt, this is just a training run, yes but you've become a run/walker..." It's at that point that I realized, was my ego really going to push me to the point of injury and vomit for a freaking training run? Seriously? Shouldn't this running thing be fun? What's one bad run? One bad run was yesterday 40 minutes 3:37 miles. Tomorrow could be a different story....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Magic Mile

Todays training run was 40 minutes which consisted on a Magic Mile. A magic mile is a mile time trail to judge your race pace and estimate your finish time. Through out the training you should improve upon your magic mile time. Well all I can say is I hope so. Today's magic mile was done in 10:19 and I ceratinly didn't feel like I could sustain the running pace for a 15K. Total distance for the 40 minutes was 3.37 miles. While I am not feeling the magic I will press on with the plan...

Monday, December 8, 2008


That's how long it took me to run 7 miles yesterday. I hit 5 miles at the one hour mark. Knowing that if I was just running and not following the training plan (walk breaks and pace 2 minutes slower than race pace) I would have hit 6 miles at the one hour mark was a little distracting. However the dull pain in my right shin that kicked in after 40 minutes made me rethink my ideas of speeding up.

1 hour 23 minutes and 3 seconds is a loooong time on a treadmill. Sooner or later I am going make it outside. My Christmas Garmin has arrived but I have yet to try it out. I have to make sure I've read and understand the instructions. A premature attempt to use it could be traumatizing.
Today starts the beginning of Week 4.
Mon - off
Tues - 40 Min Run (MM)
Wed - off
Thurs -40 Min Run
Fri - easy walk
Sat - 4x800
Sun - off
the orginal plan calls for the long run to happen on Sunday, I prefer Saturday but actually have had to switch back and forth depending on what I have going on. While I am glad this week's long run is not the 8.5 I have to look forward to next week, I am going to have to actually read up on the 4x800. Hope that's easy to track on a treadmil....

Monday, December 1, 2008

New Gadget

I bought this after Running School 2 weeks ago and used it for the first time last week. Love it! Makes this run/walk stuff a breeze. I don't have to watch the clock to know when to run and when to walk. I just set this baby and off I go. If you are in Atlanta you can find them at Phidippides if not at

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I heart Sasha at for turning me unto to this deal ~ Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS Receiver With Heart Rate Monitor $149.99 on If I was all tech savvy I would be able to insert a picture link but I still haven't figured out how to do that, I am lame like that.
This is where I am spending my Christmas cash! I am so excited I feel like it's Christmas morning already!! I am getting Christmas cash, right?!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday was my first training run after Running School. I used the 10mile plan that called for a 5 mile run (run/walk). 1:02:44. at 5.3/3.6 (3/1) on the treadmill. (sticking with the plan and running 2 minutes slower than your race pace)It felt like I would never hit the 5 mile mark. Running outside probably would have helped with the boredom factor but I hadn't planned ahead and don't have a 5 mile course marked out. I will say that I felt good after 5 miles and probably could have continued on.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rockstar of Running

First and foremeost I heart Jeff Galloway. I learned a lot of which I am sure I will include in future blogs. The biggest thing for me today was being introduced to the concept of running just for fun. Enjoying the whole run. How is this accomplished? Through the Run/Walk. There were a few type A people in the class and we wanted to know how to get comfortable with the walking part. After all, isn't it called running? Don't you run a race? Isn't walking cheating? Jeff's response ~ isn't that just your ego talking? Well, yeah, and she can be a real bitch. But the more I listened the more it made sense and Galloway has 1000's of examples of people setting PR's with this method. In theory it sounds very good. In practice I think perhaps it's easier to quite your ego once you hit Olympian status and were once a world class runner. As a chubby girl just trying to run under 10 minute miles, I am suspect as to whether that ego will keep quite.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Somewhat related to running, I've decide not to run the Gobble Job Thanksgiving morning. I am proud to say that it has nothing to do with the cold or the hills, although that makes the decision a bit easier. I say a bit easier because I feel like I failed since I decided not to run it. (Could I for once have a vacation from my type A personality?)

It's really a budget matter. Halloween is the start of the holiday season for me, Halloween, my brithday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. My spending spikes around my birthday and Christmas (of course). My plan has been to start 2009 debt free from holiday spending. However, when I checked my credit card balance yesterday I was dismayed to find I've dug a nice little hole for myself. Must have been that birthday spree. Any way after running the numbers I came to the conclusion that 1) I've been spoiling myself lately, 2) that the credit card neeeds to go back into hiding, and 3) I need to stop spending unnecessary money on myself with Christmas right aorund the corner.

It's a cruel fact that you find the best stuff for yourself only when your out shopping for someone else. Any way no Gobble Jog for me or any other incidentals until that credit card balance reads zero! I do plan to get up and run Thanksgiving morning minus the bib but twenty some dollars closer to having that debt paid off!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thought of the Day

"Holy crap!" or "You didn't think this through". Take your pick. It's 26 degrees this morning at 8:00am. All I can think about is Running School on Saturday morning at 7:00am. It's going to be cold. I don't like to be cold. Being cold makes me want to cry. Crap, not only will Running School be cold so will the Gobble Jog on Thanksgiving, cold and hills. UGH!! Holy crap, I didn't think this through! Letting the crying begin....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Training or Slacking?

Yesterday, I started training for the Gate River Run 15K in March. I ran the plan from Runner's World based on the time of my last 5k, currently running 6-10 miles a week training moderately (read: slacker tendencies)

Much to my joy, here is week 1's training plan:
Mon -Easy RunDist: 2mi@11:39
Tues -Rest/ XT
Wed - Easy RunDist: 2mi@11:39
Thurs -Rest/ XT
Fri - Rest/ XT
Sat - Easy RunDist: 2mi@11:39
Week Toatl - 6 miles

I ran my two miles yesterday at 10:23 pace and was damn happy to hit the 2 mile mark. Hope that's not a bad omen.

I'll post more about my training and the upcoming race as it will be a girls weekend with one not yet runner, one "I am only running this to get a guy's attention, and myself.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Big Pumpkin Run 5K

Cold, rolling hills, 29:07. I am not too proud to admit that I sprinted at the end to pass a dog and it's owner. Said dog had the nerve to drop a load earlier in the run leaving those of us in it's path to deal with the smelly aftermath.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Before you get impressed, let me just say that I wish I could say that this is me preparing for the Big Pumpkin 5K on Saturday. In actuality it's me trying to stick to my grocery budget and not having any other less healthy options in the house. Back in the day this was standard, today what I wouldn't do for some chocolate or a piece of pizza.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Running the Heart Walk

Today I ran the Heart Walk. I thought this would be a good opportunity to do a run/walk since it wasn't officially a run and I wouldn't feel any self imposed pressure to do my best.

It was a 5K but I question their measurement in that my time was 29:52. That's with 2 water stops, several stops to take pictures, a shoe lace malfunction, and two music mishaps (knocked my MP3 player out of the arm holster, cause I am graceful like that) and slowing down to accept the misc trinktes that were be given out. (Didn't really want the stuff but wanted to be polite). All in all I ran the 5K with exception of the above mention stops. I may run with my camera more often.

Traffic was starting to irritate me the closer I got then I looked over to car next and a little boy was waving to me. I missed the team picture but seeing the little boy's excitement made it worthwhile

We started the walk at Turner Field and headed north to downtown. Similar route to the Kaiser Corporate Challenge we did last month
Headed over the interstate towards the GA Capital building.
I think the majority of the peopel from our company walked but I did end pass this lady who had a sticker on her back saying she was running in honor of her mother and father. Not many runners.
The last mile intersected with the end of the walkers just leaving the Turner Field area at the start.
Randon pictures of the "tent area".
The above mentioned misc. trinkets.
Finally a cute company shirt. Last couple, not so much.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

No matter what your affiliation is, you have to admit this is pretty funny

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Getting Lazy Costs and Active Irritation

I took 5 days off (read too lazy to do anything) last week. Ran/walked on Monday, nothing Tuesday or Wednesday, ran/walked today. I am currently icing my shins. Lesson to self: keep moving or you'll be sorry.

On a side note, I tried to register for the Big Pumpkin 5K through last night and got an error message when entering my credit card info. I emailed and referenced that this was the 2nd race I tried to register for through that I've had a problem with and needed to verify that the information didn't go through. I promptly recieved a response this morning stating it was an issue with the information I entered not the site. Irritating since I had triple checked the info I entered, but pleased that it didn't take them 3 days to respond like last time. Tried to register again this morning but this time the site wasn't working at all, interesting...My fault you say. So I try a 3rd time this morning, because I am persistent (read stubborn) and finally success. (with the same information I entered last night, I am just saying)

On another side note: Work Slim Down Challenge, not so good. The scale is moving in the wrong direction, ugh!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Troubled on Tuesday

New batteries, 3 miles, 28:50. Funny how you can run faster when you are trying to quite the worries in your head...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dead Battery

MP3 batteries died before the end of mile 1. My running died shortly thereafter. Laziness or slump?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Running School

Yesterday I got this email

Dear Ann,

Welcome to Wellness Works - a monthly email to help you live a healthy, active lifestyle all year round. Distributed each month to all Kaiser Permanente Corporate Run/Walk participants, Wellness Works will keep you motivated and help you live well and thrive in 2008 and beyond!

Join us at one of these upcoming Events
from Jeff Galloway

* Our next session of
Running-Getting Started begins on Monday, Oct 20, 6PM at the Galloway School (near Chastain Park). This 12 week program is an introduction to running with lots of walking. Even if you've never run or walked consistently in your life, Getting Started will show you how to get started and stay motivated.
* Jeff Galloway's
Running School will give you a plan for staying motivated after KP's fitness program and to make health and fitness a priority year-round. This small group session will include these topics and more: Motivation, FatBurning, Running/Walking Until You're 100, Selecting a Realistic Goal and Training For It, plus plenty of Q&A time. WHEN: Saturday, November 22, 7AM-10AM. WHERE: Phidippides Sandy Springs. SPECICAL PRICE FOR KP Run/Walk Participants: $49.50 (a 50% discount). For all levels of runners and walkers including beginners.
Have a great month, Jeff Galloway, Race Director KP Corporate Run/Walk
Live Healthy Georgia Kaiser Permanente

$49.50!!!! The email states that's a 50% discount which is not true. The actual price is $189. I know because I've looked into it before since I live in the Atlanta area. But honestly I am too cheap for $189.00. So what could I do but sign up. I am if nothing else thrifty and I couldn't let a savings of $139.50 pass me up. Oh yeah and it could make me a better runner.

Here's what is said on the website about the Running School

At this highly motivating class taught by Jeff, he gives you the information you need to reach your goals. Jeff's school offers a unique system of elements that has reduced injury rate down to almost zero, with a very high rate of success. You’ll receive an individualized running form evaluation and priority email access to Jeff, after the class. The format allows everyone to ask questions at any time, so each can get the individual info needed.

I'll be sure to report back. I hope I don't find myself thinking what the heck am I doing awake at 7:00am on a Saturday in the cold with these crazy running people...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week 3 of Slim Down Challenge

Normally I weigh in on Monday to meet the Thursday 5:00pm weigh-in deadline. This week I am waiting till Thursday morning. Enough said.

PS no running going on.
PSS I am actaully eating m&ms while I type this. (Someone help me..)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

No New Developments

I particpated in the Atlanta Challenge recently. A 8 or 12 week program, can't remember, designed to promote a healthy lifestyle. This was my beginning assessment...

Your BodyAge is 36 compared to your chronological age of 41. BodyAge is calculated
from the results of your assessments and how you compare with others of your same age and
sex. Ideally, your BodyAge should be at least the same as your Chronological Age. Your
obtainable BodyAge is what you can realistically reach with a well-rounded wellness program. Consult with your fitness trainer to set realistic goals in fitness and lifestyle changes to reach your obtainable BodyAge.

This was pretty good news. They told me I could actually reach an obtainable body age of 29. That was very exciting. Today was the post assessment ~ not so exciting. I am pretty much the exact same. I think my body fat % was better but that's it. I know I should focus on the fact that at least I didn't go backwards. But working out 4-5 days a week in my target heart for 40-45 minutes and trying to eat right and no real results. Well that just stinks. I am tired of getting up at 4:30 to be to the gym by 5:30. I am tired of the treadmill, and you don't even want to get me started on the elliptical. But what's a chubby girl to do. Is my future dismal? They say as you age you have to up your activity to get the same results. I want better results. More of the same is depressing.

Now what? Well my company just launched an 8 week slim down competition. Started last week (Sept 29). The competition is made of teams throughout the company. I along with 3 of my co-workers are on a team. You weigh weekly. I thought being faced with failing in front of my co-workers would ensure success. Now I am not so sure. If I keep up my current routine. I may finish right where I started. I could break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it. Fail in front of my co-workers. I am too type A for this. Ok I have to pull myself together and start working off some poundage.

The first week went ok, the scale showed a 1.2lb loss. I say ok because I know I could step on the scale today and it could show a 2lb gain. Up and down, up and down, depending on the day of the week, time of day, etc I usually have a 3lb spread. Well there's no where to go but down from here (fingers crossed)

Oh, I did run 2.5 miles this morning ~ had to cut workout short because of the 8:00am post assessment requirement of no exercise 2 hours before.

9/29 starting weight 125.5

end of week 1 weight 124.3

Friday, September 26, 2008

Kaiser Permanente Corporate Challenge

The Kaiser Corporate Challenge, 5K Run/Walk, took place on Thrusday evening. I was hoping for it to be easier than it was. The race started at 7:00pm and honestly, working all day wearing a suit and heels wears me out. Halfway through the run my muscles were buring and the voice in my head was weighing the run/walk option but I am proud to say I ran the whole thing with a fairly good time. I think it was at the 30 minute mark. The finish line time was 32:17 but that was based on the 7:00pm start but I was towards the back of the pack. I am hoping to see the official chip time soon. Our company had a good turn out and awards were presented for the top 3 overall finishers for men and women and the top 3 men and women Masters. And would you know...wait for it...I am the proud owner of a 3rd place Women Master trophy. I love my company, they just keep finding ways to make me feel good about myself. I was a bit, I guess you would say, embarassed to recognized in the Master group, (The trophy even reads Masters (40+) less I forget I am over 40.) but I got over it pretty quick. I have my eye on a 2nd place trophy next year. I figure I have a pretty good shot at it if I keep running, lose a little poundage making myself more aerodynamic, and we don't have any fast runners who turn 40 in the next year or fast female runners over joining the company. As part of Talent Acquisition, I'll have to keep an on that...

Oh, and the best part ~ No shin splint!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Running and Life

Over the past weekend I had the opportunity to visit with my "ex family" in Huntsville. I was looking forward to the catching up with everyone and the opportunity to run some place a little flatter than my normal surroundings.

This would be the first time I'd run outside for quite sometime and was I was anxious to see how it would feel. With the Kaiser Corporate Challendge less than a week away I was hoping 3 miles would come easy.

The Sunday morning weather was great and the coarse was relatively flat. I did an out and back. On the way back I was starting to feel a little fatigue but I was enjoying it. I realized this is the same feeling I get when I return home to visit my parents and run. That feeling of being strong, of overcoming obstacles. My memories of Huntsville are mostly good but also include a very dark and sad time for me. With every step I seemed to say look at me now, you didn't beat me, look what I've accomplished, I can tackle anything and come out a winner.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Wednesday did 3 miles on the treadmill. Planned to run Thursday but shin felt a little tender so I punished myself on the elliptical.

Today, I thought I would try the run/walk thing. A practice used by many and endorsed by no other than Jeff Galloway, the running god of Atlanta. They say this is the way to "run" a long race and feel strong at the finish. It takes we awhile to wrap my mind around the walk part. If you're running a race, wouldn't walking be cheating? I am working on getting comfortable with the concept. I've known about it for years. Read many a success story about run/walk. So today I tried out 60 minutes of run/walk 3:1. Well mostly 3:1 but there was a 4:1 in there to ensure minute 59-60 was walking. I am freaking like that. Some shin tenderness during the run but feeling good now . I'll probably ice my shin for good measure and to make people at work wonder what I 'm doing walking around with a bag of frozen corn. Maybe this run/walk is really the way to run...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ode to My New Shoes

I love you, I love you, I love you! Monday morning run ~ 3.5 miles in 35:27. No speed demon, but no real pain. I love my mizunos, I love Big Peach Run Company. I am a happy runner.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Shoes and Good Intentions

Every Friday night I go to bed thinking I am going to get up early Saturday morning and go for a nice run. Every Saturday morning I wake and go back to sleep. In my defense by Saturday morning the 4 1/2 - 5 hours of sleep I get Monday -Friday catches up to me. So this Saturday was no different. When I realize that yet again I missed my morning run I start to plan, can I do something later in day? Honestly the odds are slim, laziness takes over. But this Saturday I decide that perhaps I need new running shoes. Everybody knows that new shoes make you want to run and run fast. And perhaps my shoes have been contributing to this whole shin fiasco.

Late afternoon I head to Big Peach Running Company, my first visit. They have me step on this machine that gives you an image of your feet to tell you where you put pressure, what kind of arch, and much more. Then they record me running on the treadmill so they can go back and dissect my stride. Lo and behold perhaps my shoes could be adding to the shin problem. Which I am told is usually something new runners experience. I am not really a new runner but maybe I am not a consistent runner so I am forever starting again. Anyway, I try on a few pairs, none of which are in any color combinations that really grab me. Certainly none as pretty as my pink and gray Ascis. I think I try Saucony, Mizuno, Asics, and New Balance. I am Asics girl, even in my non running periods I sport Asics. So how do I wrap my mind around the Mizunos feeling the best. I mention this to shoe guy who gives me a pep talk about how all the brands are good and you 're just looking for the pair that best works with your mechanics. I find some comfort in the fact that I've have a prior relationship with Mizuno, not long ago I drop quite of bit of money on an array of Mizuno stuff for Hammer's softball gear.

I leave the store anxious to try out my new shoes and wondering will I ever have that "runner" look? You know that long and lean look. Coming in right under 5' and always seeming to be battling an extra 10-15 pounds, perhaps not. Still on my new shoe high I immediately change into my least favorite running shorts (note: do laundry) and drive to the park to test them out. (not ready to tackle the hilly neighborhood) Once at the park I start running and realize 1) it's still hot as hell in Georgia at 5:30pm and 2) as an act of kindness to my fellow man I should not attempt to run in these shorts until I am 5-10lbs lighter and have some sort of tan. So I decide to do an inaugural mile in my new shoes and call it a day. Ever the optimist, plan a early Sunday morning run.

No early run on Sunday, actually no run at all. But my inaugural mile was done at an easy pace in 9:46, Happy to see I haven't gotten slower.

Friday, September 12, 2008


3 miles this morning. Slower than I would have liked, 10:30, but 3 miles. I'll take them. Happy to report that I am feeling no real pain in my shin. Yeah, I am super woman! I was hoping for 4 miles in 40 minutes but I didn't want to test fate and the batteries on my MP3 player died about the 3 mile mark....

Monday, September 8, 2008

Back in the Saddle

I woke with great joy on Sunday realizing that there was no pain in my shin. Yeah. I wondered was this too good to be true? In order not to jinx myself I did not attempt to run yesterday, I waited till this morning. After 35 painful sweat soaked minutes on the elliptical I couldn't take it any longer and I had to run, run free. The run was only 15 minutes and there was just a hint of tenderness in my shin but I was running, running happy. Afterwards, I thought "so this is the way it's going to be"? I am starting over, having to slowly build distance. Distance, sounds funny to think of having to build back up to 3 miles as distance. But that's exactly what I need to have done by the 25th for the Kaiser Corporate 5K. But hey I am not complaining - I am the happy runner. Maybe tomorrow I'll aim for 16 minutes...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Shin Saga

I managed not to run all last week and most of this week. But come Thursday I had all could take of 45 minutes on the elliptical. After my mandatory 30/35 minutes on the elliptical I ran 10 minutes yesterday and 6 minutes today. Certainly not earth shattering, doesn't even count as a run. That's just a warm up and I had to ice my shin. I know I am short on patience but this has been the deal since July 4th. Panic started to take over when I realized the amount of time that has gone by since I've really been able to run, and run pain free. What happens now, am I destined to hang up my rooming shoes and become a mall walker? Will I totally embarrass myself at the Kaiser Corporate Challenge on the 25th in front of my co-workers? Am a destined to become a slave to the elliptical machine?

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Plea

For the love of all that's holy, can I just run? Pain free, shin splint free. Is that too much to ask for? I am not being greedy. I am not asking for marathon ability (just yet), 3-4 simple miles that's all. I promise to slowly build my distance as not to tax my weak@ss shins. Please save me from the elliptical machine and let me run again.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Lesson Learned

I did it this time. All day Sunday my shin hurt, not just when I atttempted to run in place to test it out. No, all day and into Monday. UGH!

Desperate times call for desperate measures. In order to heal while I still have the desire to become a consistent half marathon runner, I am afraid it may pass at any moment, I will not attempt to run until Saturday. My shin will them repay with a pain free 4 mile run.

I believe in the power of positive thinking and mind over matter. I will soon run far and fast.(Repeat.)
And just in case, I may light a candle as an additional reinforcement. Do what you have it to...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

To Half or Not?

Last night I was all set to sign up for the Zooma Half marathon on Nov 16. Tried of thinking about it, just do it.Printed out the training plan, got up early and did my 45 minute "long run" and was feeling good, feeling strong. Got home and my right shin is aching, I pull up the registration form. What the...$75 to register? I am typically not a cheap person but $75 for something I not convinced isn't going to turn out to be painful. $75 can get me real close to a new pair of running shoes. Hummm. What to do? On Nov 16 would I find myself saying " I can't believe I paid $75 to do this"? I am pretty sure I wouldn't be saying "That's the best $75 I ever spent" What to do, what to do....

Did I mention that my shin has continued to ache all day. ( do I see a loop hole?)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I am a 5Ker

This is no surprise to me. I've known it since July 4th, mile 3 of the Peachtree Road Race (10K). I knew it this morning as I hit 2.5 miles on the treadmill. I was going to do 3 miles not 4 miles today.

A far away memory are those easy 5 and 10 mile runs. The only thing to do now is to keep running forward andbe inspired not intimidated by you long distance runners...5Ker to Halfer in no time flat?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And I am off and running...

I'd like to start with a bang but my first blog will surley be filed under lame.

No run today. Telecommuted - always a cause to sleep in. No run tonight, funeral/viewing. I'd like to say that's my real excuse but who am I kidding. If it doesn't get done in the morning, slim chance it will happen at all.

Big plans for tomorrow - 3-4 miles. Hey you gotta start somewhere.